Monday, 20 December 2010

To prove I'm not scrooge

Looking at the photo it looks a bit short on tinsel and lights, I'm sure there seemed more last year, maybe I'll just rearrange things a bit in the middle.


Tony Songhurst said...

Very nice and stylish! How do you feel after sorting that lot out?


T x

Carole said...

It's beautiful Lisa, simple and works really well. Sometimes, less is more.

Well done for, somehow, finding the energy to get your tree sorted.


Tony Songhurst said...

Happy Christmas Lisa and all the very best....Go and buy another bottle of red for when the one you have is finished!

Much Love

T xxx

Tony Songhurst said...

Soooooo, what are you up to on New Years Eve?

T x

Carole said...

Hi Lisa,

Just wanted to say thinking about you this New Year's Eve and hoping you've been as well as you can be over the Christmas period.

Wishing you only good and positive things for 2011.

Much luv xxxx