Saturday, 19 January 2008

2007 May 21st - Things to Do Before Surgery

Monday, May 21, 2007

To do lists
Category: Life

Right, I've been reminded several times there are a lot of things I must DO before I go into hospital, I'm always scribbling things down then losing them so starting again so thought I'd shove it on here then I can edit it online, genius! Also if you think of anything I've missed, you can add comments woohoo!

Make will

Ring dentist to cancel appointment for three days after operation (obvious reasons)

Write list of "things to take to hospital"

Write list of "people for mum/sis to update on my progress whilst in hospital"

Remember to put all provisional social arrangements in diary to avoid forgetting all about them until I've already slept past the arranged meeting time......oops.

Get appointment with GP for sicknote and note allowing reflexology

Finish weeding stupid horrid nettle hedge that is choking my boundary fence grrrr

Finish weeding the drive (stupid rain ruined all my hard work encouraging previously unrecorded growth spurts in existing weeds)

Do the bloody ironing, it's ridiculous having clothes I've not worn in months just for being lazy

Take printer back to shop

18:13 - 8 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


As you are so good with your green fingers, tidy up your lady garden incase of any yummy assisting dr's.......

Posted by Deborah on Monday, May 21, 2007 at 20:12
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Well I could do the ironing, thats one thing off the list then......................................??

Will buy notebook for you to dictate what you would like posting/emailing to people whilst in hospital.

Oooo and buy stock of batteries - for the ipod idog! xxx

Posted by Umpalumpa on Monday, May 21, 2007 at 22:38
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Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala

Ooooo I might take you up on that, batteries good idea!

Posted by Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala on Monday, May 21, 2007 at 22:49
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A long list Lisa - but i9t sounds as tho you have everything under control! You need to add "get plenty of rest" too!!

Oh - think of having your hair trimmed too the day before you go in - it sure felt good being pampered for an hour and my hair being in tip top condition before my actual op!!!

love Caz x

Posted by Caroline on Monday, May 21, 2007 at 23:11
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janey jane jane

That's a good idea about the haircut and lady yourself into a beauty parlour and get the works done. You'll feel relaxed after all that pampering and so chilled you won't worry. (Hopefully) xx

Posted by janey jane jane on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 08:15
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book yourself into a beauty parlour and get the works done. You'll feel relaxed after all that pampering and so chilled you won't worry.

Thats a good idea, we could have a girly day the weekend before you go in - and completely spoil you!! (Imagines you sat in garden on glorious day with face pack/feet soaking in foot spa, mum doing your nails and me passing you herbal tea!) - can be arranged!!


Posted by Umpalumpa on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 12:18
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Billy Bollockchops

You've all soiled my innocent little mind! When I read...

style="font-style: italic;">"Finish weeding stupid horrid nettle hedge that is choking my boundary fence grrrr

style="font-style: italic;">Finish weeding the drive (stupid rain ruined all my hard work encouraging previously unrecorded growth spurts in existing weeds)"

I thought you meant that literally. But all the talk about "Lady Gardens" has left my mind in a complete mess. I had no idea the radiotherapy had caused so much havoc down there.

Posted by Billy Bollockchops on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 09:54
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Hey sweetpea, do you want me to make your appointment? I'm up at that time anyway with the kids and I can drop in on the way to school, so I can give them the evil eye to make sure you get the good Doctor rather than Dr Kiss of death.

Hannah x

Well done for getting things sorted out, it's easy to procrastinate at the best of times, let alone with what your going through.

Posted by Hannah on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 10:54

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