Saturday, 19 January 2008

2007 Oct 2nd - Once, Twice, Three Times NO CHEMO

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Once, twice, three times NO CHEMO!

Grrr. My neutrophils zoomed up (after three injections a helluva lotta spine pain) to a whopping 7, from 0.9! That's like top of the range man!

I got the news when I rang from Center Parcs on Friday - just to check to see how dangerous it was to hang out near people who might have germs.

I'll tell you about CP later, but for now I have a crappy, snotty, sore throat cold, so thank you for the magic injections but now I need the little blighters to fend of the stupid cold virus.

Mosied on over to chemo this morning, said that I had a cold (for the other patients benefit, not mine) so sat in a corner and had my dressing changed and line flushed. The PICC site is still quite red, but the best it's been. Lisa called the Lone Ranger to see what his thoughts on my sore throat (had it most of the wekeend typically) and chemo were. His thoughts were: chemo knocks her white cells down like feathers, not really worth the risk if she has a cold.

I'd like to say I'm disappointed, which I am of course - another month added to my treatment schedule at least. I'm more disappointed in the state of my general wellbeing. A stupid cold! I just want to get the drugs over and done with and prepare for surgery again. In the mean time I'm going to lie down under a duvet as much as possible after all the walking and fresh air this weekend and hope for the best next week. Fight little soldier cells, fight!

15:03 - 10 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


Commiserations, sweetie. Have been there and it sucks proper stylie.

If you want, I can adopt a sergeant major voice and say "come on you 'orrible lot!" to your soldier times I felt that mine were more like Dad's Army than a crack marine corps!

Make sure you rest and take lots of vitamins. xxx

Posted by GlitterGirl.... on Tuesday, October 02, 2007 at 19:42
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Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala

Yeah, that might work.....I'm reading Catch 22 and to be fair my troops appear to be lead by Yossarian, anything to skive off duty!

Posted by Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala on Tuesday, October 02, 2007 at 19:58
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Hard luck but it's another week of not feeling too bad? With me once chemo starts I'm fit for nothing. My turn to see if they'll start me off on Thursday. Let you know

Posted by Peter on Tuesday, October 02, 2007 at 19:42
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Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala

Well yes, but I just worry they'll have to strap me into a straight jacket to actually get the next lot of chemo into me, I have got used to not having to share my bed with a toxic pump every fortnight.

I'm good for nothing either on chemo, but this cold isn't making me feel so great, at least it's another excuse to lie on the sofa all day :o(

Posted by Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala on Tuesday, October 02, 2007 at 20:01
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Catch 22 is a fantastic book. Loving your library....

Don't get me started on t'internet dating. I know this much: 90% of men are freaking freaks. And the rest are gay.

(In the last 48 hours, I have received the following "offers" -

"I live near you in Edgeley. You will need to go past Morrisons to get to my house, so why not come round and pop in for some beers on the way"...

"Would be great to hear from you. I don't want your life story or anything though".)

My dating cup doth not runneth over.


Posted by GlitterGirl.... on Thursday, October 04, 2007 at 12:44
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Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala

Hmm, you don't strike me as a "pop into Morrisons for some beers" kinda gal.........pop into Threshers for a case of champers, yes.

Neither do you look like a "bore them to death with my life story" type.

I have been given the msn address of a nice looking lad age 24 - he wants to chat.......he lives in Essex - it's never gone lead to anything other than him asking for dodgy pics or webcam action and me blocking him pronto.

Still, it was an ego boost, he's a lovely looking lad ;o)

Posted by Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala on Thursday, October 04, 2007 at 12:51
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Hi Lisa - sorry you've been so run down. Hope you're snuggling under that duvet and
keeping warm - it's just the weather for it. Love your slogan 'cash poor ... ' - that's us!
Love Fiona xxx

Posted by Fiona on Thursday, October 04, 2007 at 12:43
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Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala

Well thankfully the sun came out for two days and made me feel all hot and "glowing" as it were. Been out and bought some longer jumpers to layer up with for when the cold snap returns.

How is your radiation burn area? Can't believe mine is still showing signs of damage after so many months - it can work for up to 9 months I think I read somewhere.......probably in one of your posts haha.

All bum bandits seem to be love rich, cash poor or just cash - managing.

We rock


Posted by Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala on Friday, October 05, 2007 at 18:17
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Isn't chocolate supposed to be good for colds too? Might encourage your soldier cells as well.
Commiserations and good luck.

Posted by Alison on Thursday, October 04, 2007 at 12:44
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Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala

Only 85% cocoa solids Alison - the milk in the other inferior (in my opinon that is) stuff aggravates mucous and believe me I am a snot factory in my head AND my stoma. Also avoiding bananas and oranges - sticking to kiwis for the Vit C. Having chicken breast in red wine sauce with stir fried okra me thinks - just need to find some ladies who want their fingers amputating..........

Posted by Lisa Left Eye Loopylalalalala on Friday, October 05, 2007 at 18:19

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